Sunday 26 September 2010

Shattered !

Etching on paper

It has been a while since any activity in Little Arena. I have been trying my hands on a few things and hopefully I will post them here soon.

This is an etching using hard grounds. For those who are new to the term etching- it's an intaglio method of printmaking, one of the oldest and widely used techniques of the present time. It looks like a tedious process to start with, but can be very intresting. After a couple of attempts I had absolute fun working on preparing the etching plate and working towards this peice. To strengthen the mood of the theme I then added the bits of tissue with glue on top just before rolling under the press.

Not all the time I would be so bold to draw the line in the centre, but for an expressive piece as this one, I must admit I just listened to the inner voice of the theme and didn't let the rules overpower, afterall drawing a line where it should always helps, eh! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love this piece.. Awesome work and a detailed description. Rightly said, drawing a line where it should always help :)
