Sunday 11 November 2012

Festive Decorations

Handmade garland (from plastic), Painted glass

Deepavali (Diwali) brings a sense of joy, excitement and bright colours to every Indian home be it in India or away. And to most of us it also brings a lot of childhood memories.

I am sure every one of us have made these garlands from coloured paper in various different ways at one time or the other. These few pieces of garlands for this festive decorations are made from plastic covers lying around the house. Though it took some time to make a few meters of these, I am pleased with recycling plastic in any form. Diwali couldn't be complete without light. So I hurried this morning to quickly complete this painted glass for placing candles/diyas. 

I would love to try my hands on bottle cutting and re-using them to make these candle holders. While I figure out how and what is the best way to do that, if any of you have already found the best household method to do that please let me know.

Before I end, here's wishing all my Indian friends, family and readers a very happy and cheerful Diwali. May God bless you all.

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